know what's on your record

Protect against identity theft, uncover possible records eligible for dispute, and see what potential employers will see. A personal background check is an easy way to stay one step ahead.

Bronze Check

39.95 $ 19 95
Typically takes under 8 business hours
National Criminal Search
SSN Verification
Address History Verification
Sex Offender Registry Check
Exclusion Databases Check

Silver Check

49.95 $ 29 95
Typically takes under 8 business hours
Bronze Check Plus:
Comprehensive Credit Report
FICO® Score Included

Gold Check

79.95 $ 59 95
Typically takes 48 to 72 business hours
Sliver Check Plus:
Alias Names Included
All Records Court-Verified

Social Check

59.95 $ 39 95
Typically takes under 12 business hours
Determine how your online profiles look to potential employers.

What are the courts saying about you?

Even if you were convicted of a crime as a juvenile or have dismissed records of any kind, they can still be visible. To get eligible records expunged, it will require action from you.

Are you facing identity theft?

Identity theft doesn't often become known until damage has been done. Our social security trace will help you see any potentially suspicious activity so you can avoid problems.

Are your social profiles meeting the mark?

Many hiring managers make it a common practice to check up on a candidate's social media profiles before extending an offer. Let us show you exactly what they can see.

The process is simple

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Quick, Affordable, Trusted Results

Consumer Credentials is a Peopletrail Brand. We provide employment background screening solutions to 20,000+ business clients worldwide while also offering comprehensive background checks to individuals. Whether you are a committed job-seeker seeking to reinforce your job application or just curious about your criminal/credit history, we are here to provide you with the insights you’re looking for.

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