You just managed to power through an interview with your potential employer, and that is great! Now what? Earlier, you were asked questions, and now your interviewer allows you to switch roles. What do you do at this stage? Leaving right away is not a good call as you waste some unique opportunities. Instead, let us take a look at what you should ask at the end of a job interview.
What Should You Ask at the End of a Job Interview, Specifically?
It would help if you asked questions after an interview because you have the prime opportunity to get more information about the employer and company you might end up working for. This information can help you decide whether you fit the company well or not. Other than that, asking questions gives off an image of attentiveness as well.
A Focus on the Present
“Did I answer everything?” is a great question to ask the interviewer. This question often prompts people to remember if they missed something or if they have more questions. Often, the interviewer will ask you to elaborate on certain areas or to satiate their curiosity. It is a great way to promote further dialog that might be crucial for your chances of getting hired.
“Do you have anything about my qualifications you dislike?” seems to be a question that makes you look self-destructive, but there is a different side to it. Asking your interviewer this surprise question can allow the interviewer to be honest. It shows you are comfortable discussing any potential weaknesses, and if you and the interviewer can reach an agreement, you have less to worry about.
An Eye on the Future
“How is the work atmosphere?” is important to ask. It is not wise to go into a new work environment knowing nothing about it. The more you know, the better prepared you can be. Your interviewer is usually more than happy to tell you what kind of environment you will work in should you get hired. As knowing is half the battle, it is recommended you ask this question.
“Where do you see this company in five years?” will never go wrong. Even if you get a less-than-satisfactory answer, you walk away with the information of how the company sees itself. If the interviewer answers positively, then you know that you have the right company. No one wants to work for a pessimistic employer, and positive companies have room for you to grow in.
“What career paths are available?” shows that you are eager to prove yourself and you are curious. You do not want to end up in a dead-end job, and knowing what paths are ahead will let you prepare and strategize. You can plan and work towards your preferred path so that you advance in your industry. This allows you to grow, and you might even land a great position in the future.
Planning for Growth and Success
Still wondering what you should ask at the end of a job interview? Well, how about this.
“Are there any training courses I must take?” prepares you for the future. You show yourself as willing to learn and flexible enough to improve your qualifications and skills. Any employer will be overjoyed to hear that a potential hire wants to accept any training.
“What kind of people succeed here?” might be a bit forward, but it is wonderful to ask. The interviewer should be able to tell you the requirements and characteristics of successful workers. By comparing yourself to the ideal candidate, you can decide whether or not you fit the position. It also makes you appear concerned about the company’s future.
“Are there any other steps to take before your company can make an offer?” can help you cover anything you might have missed. Show how you pay attention to detail and are eager to prove yourself when you ask this question. If you missed something, you could offer to remedy that as soon as possible.
Keep These Questions (and More!) in Your Back Pocket
These questions are not the only ones, as there are many more out there. It is not wise to ask them without a plan, so you should always be careful. Deploying too many of these will also be counterproductive. The key is knowing how many you should ask and not overwhelm the interviewer.
Now that you know what you should ask at the end of a job interview, you can confidently march into the room. Remember that many employers today require a background check, and having one shows that you are honest about yourself. A background check conducted by a reputable company can help dramatically increase your chances of being hired.