Social Media Background Check
Social Media Background Check
Learn how your online profile looks to others, including potential employers.
Get instant social media background check and screening for employment in approximately < 12 business hours.
What is a Social Media Background Check?
A social media background screening includes research on online websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and news articles where the candidate has an online presence. A social media check helps in getting a better idea of who a job applicant is. Social media background checks can also be considered as an advanced means of learning more about job applicants or networking with them in their social life.
Know about how your online persona looks like
Social Media Risk Classifications
Peopletrail uses machine learning to analyze social media posts and images for specific types of risks. When you run a social media background check, the posts are retrieved from your subject’s associated social media profiles. Every post and image is analyzed for one or more of the 12 risk classifications.
Peopletrail flags a post when there is at least one risk category with a probability beyond a set threshold. For example, a post may have a probability of a Toxic language of 65% and also a Hate Speech of 73%. In this case, the flag will indicate Hate Speech. It is possible to have a post and an associated image that gets flagged at the same time. In this case, the flag will indicate both the reason for the post text and the image triggering one of the risk classifications.
For reposts/retweets, likes, and replies, we analyze both the text and comments of the original poster on the re-post from your subject in determining risk. Likewise, Peopletrail analyzes images included in a report.
How we screen your data on social media?
We analyze the following screening characteristics while running a social media background check.
Hate Speech
Derogatory, abusive, and/or threatening statements toward a specific group of people typically on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation.
Insults and Bullying
Name-calling or derogatory statements toward an individual about their physical characteristics such as weight, height, looks, intelligence, etc.
Statements related to drugs and/or drug use including slang words, street names, and phrases.
Drug-related Images
Images of pills, syringes, paraphernalia, and alcohol
Explicit/Racy Images
Mostly explicit nudity and some partial nudity
Violent Images
Images of disfigurations, open wounds, burns, crime scenes, and guns/weapons
Obscene Language
Statements considered on the fringes of mainstream values. Typically statements considered on either the far-left or far-right of the ideological spectrum. These often focus on specific issues such as abortion, environmental, immigration, government, etc.
Insults and Bullying
Indications of wanting to hurt oneself or take one’s own life intentionally
An intent to inflict harm or loss of another person’s life.