
Tutor Background Check

What is a Tutor Background Check?

A tutor background check involves searching the documentation of a person’s interactions with law enforcement agencies at the federal, state, or local level. This documentation is public, but it often involves information that is not available via a search engine. Background checks contain information about a person’s arrests, criminal charges, and dispositions in the United States. These checks, or screenings, are an important element when it comes to hiring a tutor. For individuals who plan to work as tutors, ordering a background check on yourself can also help your work prospects.

Do Private Tutors Need Screening? Why?

Private tutors absolutely need screening. The purpose of a tutor screening is to verify the tutor’s education and work experience and background information, including any non-expunged criminal records. This information can help identify a person’s suitability to be working with students and is especially important if they are children. All of this information can be obtained without accessing anything involving protected characteristics such as race, nationality, religion, or age that are illegal to consider in the hiring process.

Steps of Performing a Tutor Background Check

Performing a background check is simple—choose what information you need, obtain authorization (or if ordering one for yourself, verify your identity), pay, and receive your report.

What Is Checked During a Tutor Screening?

For tutors, a background check involves

  • verification of identity through social security number
  • a search for felony and sex crime convictions,
  • a check for any misdemeanors or crimes that might make the tutor unsafe to work with.

Other information subject to screening:

  • educational history
  • employment history
  • credit history

Benefits of Doing This Check?

Benefits for clients or agencies ordering a background check for tutors include knowing they are hiring someone truthful and safe. They can also help in determining if the tutor is the right fit for their needs.

Benefits for a tutor to order a background check on themselves include

  • Identifying problems associated with other individuals with the same name, or having incorrect information associated with his or her name
  • Preventing contradictions between information on a resume and information provided by a reference
  • Verifying expunged criminal records

Ordering a Tutor Screening

Reputable screening is not free of charge, but pricing varies depending on the information requested. Consumer Credentials offers three different packages and can be found on their website.

Order a background check now

If you are a tutor service provider and need background checks for your tutors, hire Peopletrail.

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