Unemployment History

Why the COVID-19 Vaccine Will Be Good for Employment Numbers in the USA

Why the COVID-19 Vaccine Will Be Good for Employment Numbers in the USA

  The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc in almost every country’s economy due to the mandatory lockdowns to keep people safe. However, vaccines\’ development has allowed some semblance of normalcy to return, and it might even benefit the economy. Here’s why the COVID-19 vaccine will be good for employment numbers in the USA. How the

Why the COVID-19 Vaccine Will Be Good for Employment Numbers in the USA Read More »

Unemployment and depression – How does unemployment affect mental health?

  In these trying COVID-19 times, many people have lost their jobs due to economic instability. Unemployment is rising, and many people have become dependent on financial assistance. However, it’s not just wallets and bank accounts taking the hit; but these people are often affected mentally. Some of them develop depression. Unemployment and depression are

Unemployment and depression – How does unemployment affect mental health? Read More »

Can a Background Check Reveal My Unemployment History?

Who will be Notified if You File an Unemployment Claim?   Might be surprising for some, but yes, both. Your past employer If you have filed an unemployment claim, your last employer will be notified (and possibly other ex-employees) to verify your earning and your dates of employment. You should know that your unemployment claim

Can a Background Check Reveal My Unemployment History? Read More »